What is a Google Penalty, and How do I avoid it?

Before we plunge into Google penalties, let’s find out how Google works. Google consists of three main components: a Crawler, Index, and a fantastic algorithm. The Crawler, as the name suggests crawls through links on the web. It is functional 24/7 and it saves the HTML version of your webpage in a gigantic database called […]

How you can define your target audience in all marketing campaigns 

When you’re starting your marketing journey you will be tempted to focus on increasing your website traffic. However, with time you will realize that you need to focus on a targeted audience as well. Let me explain it to you with an example. Hubspot had roughly 88.83 million visitors in 2020. Many websites have more […]

Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2022

In times when you need to fight for attention and outsmart your competition. Email marketing is a direct and easy way to reach your customers instantly. Email marketing is proving increased engagement over the past 12 months as stated by 78% of marketers. It is one of the most cost-effective marketing solutions. All you need […]

B2B digital marketing agencies 

What is B2B Marketing? As the name suggests, B2B marketing Buisness-Buisness marketing refers to marketing of products or services from one business to another business. It is distant from B2C marketing as it involves more formal approach.  Looking it through a broad way B2B marketing needs to be more information oriented and straightforward. This is […]

10 Email Marketing, Landing Page Tips To Increase Conversions

Email marketing is shaping up to be more effective than it has ever been. The death of email marketing has been announced and re-announced several times. However, recent studies suggest that email marketing is here to stay. Email marketers are witnessing good returns by investing in email marketing. For every 1$ they spend on email […]

7 Important considerations when switching SEO agencies

Are you losing faith in your SEO agency lately? Is your current SEO company not matching up to your expectations? Fret not, switch your SEO firm and let the magic begin! There are hundreds of SEO agencies out there. Each one of them is good in its unique way. Choosing an agency that is right […]